
Welcome to Alternative Battery Enterprise weblog, Alternative Battery Enterprise is a small business based in Malaysia, that realt/refill/recell or even repair your laptop and notebook battery.

Alternative Battery Enterprise always emphasize on the quality of the refilled battery, you are welcome to search for our services record or user experience on other web space.

Since first operates from year 2006, Alternative Battery Enterprise maintain good customer sales and services record.

Fast turn around time, your battery will be fixed in less than one week time. Usually customers get their batteries back in next day although they are normally told 3 working day to proceed. This could be the most efficient battery refill service that really work you could possibly found in Malaysia.

Battery is backed with 100% money back satisfaction guarantee in the first month of recell. Alternative Battery Enterprise accept any reasonable reject of any refilled battery and refund will be issued immediately in 3 working day after battery is post back to us.

A total of 1 year warranty will be given!

There are 6 months warranty on battery cell, in this period you will still get a refund of 80% if your battery fail beyond repair.

After 6 months, Alternative Battery Enterprise will still fix your battery if it fail within any period of 1 year without any additional charge excluded postage fees.

Even after the warranty period, if you confirm that your battery cell is still in good condition, but battery just no working, it can be repaired at RM30! Which is the best way to ensure you get a working battery that value for your money!

Most customers reported that a refilled battery work 2-3years! Some really poorly designed (too few cell with big load) battery may last merely just 1 year, some may last up to 4 years.

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Sunday, 29 August 2010

Do water-fueled cell exist?

Under normal condition, I can tell, water-fueled battery cell do not exist! But please read the full story below. Please refer to perpetual motion machine why it do not exist.

Yes water can store energy, there are currently two commonly known ways how water can store energy. First, one give it force to rise it to higher ground, to use the energy store, just release it, it will flow to lower ground, everthing that have mass will do this! Secondly, split it into hydrogen and oxigen by electrolysis. Then burn it to get back the energy stored!

Picture below show a conceptual idea about a power generator that store solar or wind kinectic energy in the form of potential energy, people have built similar water fall generator but the cost is way too high to built it at sea. The pieces of this generator have to be built on land and assembly it at the shallow sea. Black color retangle show the hole for water out to drive electric generator, and the white color show the hole for water intake with pump, water is pump into the tower and store as potential energy by using the power supply by the solar cell or wind turbine when there are extra energy unused.
Please note that I have no study where is the best place for pump and generation gate is placed, the picture posted just to give reader some idea about what is it. This thing can also work the other way round, i.e. pump the water out from tower, if power is needed, open the valve and let water flow into the tower.

According to conservation law of energy, energy can not be created or destroy by human being. We can only store it or convert it!

In our natural, water is a stable sustances, mean that it will not produce energy by it-self. Please note that the different between word 'produce' and 'create'. Create mean from non exist to exist here, produce mean from unseen to be seen!

By using electrolisis, the amount of energy can be stored is actually lower than the amount of energy it required to split the water, some energy will lost as heat!

What happen if we can produce more hydrogen and oxigen with lesser energy? This is not something imposible, but that just do not occur under normal circumstances! The real secret is the catalyst use in the system.

It just similar to uranium do not produce energy by it-self, but with the added of other reactant that produce neutron, it then produce heat!

What is the different between catalyst and reactant? Reactant is something that directly join the response, just like oxigen is reactant to any chemical fuel but not a catalyst. We do know that with existance of catalyst, any chemical response than initailly will occur, will become faster, from undetectable rate to become detectable.

Catalyst is something widely use in China medicine making, there is a say that herbal(s) will not produce it function effectively if lack of some other herbal function as catalyst, but if you use only the catalyst itself it have not particular function at all. Just similar to people add salt to apple or watermelon, the fruits become more delicious after adding salt.

That mean in a water-fueled cell, the catalyst have the most important role there! It can be something that add into the water, or something that built up the electrode.

The problem remain to me is that, even the best catalyst used, let say 100% efficiency of energy used to split the water, it still gonna lost the energy at the output, therefore the energy slowly reduce and eventually the machine stop.

The only reason I can think of, it is not catalyst that playing the role, it is reactant that been used, reactant store the energy needed to split the water effectively.

But please note that reactant is something that can be exhausted! If we consume up all the reactant on the earth, it is similar to the result of comsuming all petroleum!

This reactant do work for a period of time, and then it can die off. There are just no free lunch in the world! You got to pay for it once a while. You can not expect your water fueled cell power you for too many years. Once the reactant wear out, it stop working! Everthing converges! Nothing diverges! That is what make human being can not be seen as 'thing'. Thing that do not converges must have life. And a reactant do not have life I believe.

If the petroleum price is more expansive than the reactant price, then it may be good to use water fueled cell. Otherwise not.

There are currently two type of water fueled cell is claimed have been invented, first type is currently master by advanced country, with the help of catalyst or perhap reactant, they can directly produce electricity, which is the world most efficient water fueled cell. The second type is those spliting water to hydrogen and oxigen, and then burn it back to produce energy. Internal combustion engine will not produce energy with more than 50% energy store inside it since my last access to the related data, may not up to date, you can try to check it out yourself.

There are two main reasons why the water-fueled cell is not so good to use it in internal combustion engine or car. First you need to pay for the reactant, the benefit is actually very hard to be calculated. If the reactant is built into the electrode itself may give you more problem, as the efficency decrease with time untill all the reactant stop functioning, the system will not give you any benefit at all! How many water the system can split bacome the key to how much petrol you can save. It may actually more expansive than the petrol you can save depending on the price of the reactant or the whole system.

Secondly the engine block, piston, valve and any other part involve, must be anti-stain or must have good lubricating system. As a product of combustion hydrogen and oxigen will produce water, will make the internal of the engine rusted more obvious and reduce the life of a car, especialy the exhaust pipe.

And stain can spread, as water is only some sort of catalyst to oxidation, oxigen inside engine block will be suficient to make it rusted and become unususable in months if the car leave unuse, after the lubricating oil become too thin or at the part the oil do not reach. Some say engine block can be make of hi-tech ceramic such as those invented by Kyocera (Tokyo Ceramic), but I have never see it for myself yet.

Therefore, solar energy is still considered the best long term energy for earth currently! A good solar cell will at least function more than 10 years. Untill we can use solar energy to produce reactant for electrolisis, it is not safe to say that water-fueled cell is a good source of energy. And I believe thing that can store or contain large amount of energy, must be radioactive! As the energy will slowly leaking althought the reactant do not exist.


I come across with some article about the title today, something regarding Malaysian claim have design some device that save fuel for a car!

I never use it before, so this article is just for a purpose of expressing my thoughts, not to critisize or praise it.

Firstly, why we need this system? Because the oxigen concentration in the air, is about 1/5 in ratio, this is far more than enough for a car at lo speed. But at high speed, the petrol intake may be more than the amount of oxigen it can be reacted(burned) with, therefore result in imcomplete combustion.

Of course a car can be fine turned to allow it carbureter or fuel injection system or whatever to limit the amount of maximum petrol intake, so at full pedal, the amount of air mixed with petrol, is in perfect ratio to conduct complete combustion. But that is an ideal case, in real life that seem imposible due to how the mixture mix up and their condition, there are some randomize activity in the particle due to its size that prevent complete combustion in short period. Therefore, we can always expect some carbon or carbon monoxide produced at the exhaust.

Please note that I am not expert in this matter, therefore I know very little. If we can use some electricity to split the water and get some oxigen from it, we should be able to increase the oxigen density of air intake so that we can fully utilize the potential of the petrol, if the fuel is fully burned, it will give more output. In ideal case, if we can put in pure oxigen into the engine block, it will be excellent. But in real life, the cost of put in pure oxigen into a car is far too higher than the petrol you can actually save, this is not pratical to be applied in automotive industry.

Pure oxigen will not only give full combustion, but it also give speed! The speed of the petrol burn! Expanding the volume of gas mixture in short period, will result in largest force being produced acording to the Newton second law. Because the burned mixture particle expand at higher acceleration. That is similar to gun catton explosive, people damp catton into liquid oxigen, it can become explosive! It burn too fast untill explosion can occur! Therefore the engine block must be design to hold this kind of force, otherwise one is actually making a bomb.

But also note that the inertial force will limit how fast the engine can response to the explosion force! Every car have a most efficient cycling frequency that can give you higher efficiency, beyond that point, it simply use more petrol for same kilometer. And it varying with age. Therefore maintain the RPM of a car is also a good way to save petrol. The sweet spot is usually judged by experiences especially for those car with fuel per km meter!

Therefore, it required some sort of control, that control the rate of the oxigen being produced, the oxigen should be produced when the car is under high speed such as on a high way. So it do not utilize battery power when the car is under lo speed. I expect this kind of system is effective. But just theoritically. The only problem in this kind of system is the cost per liter oxigen you pay for. For example if you pay RM0.90 for oxigen but you get extra kilometer that worth RM1, it is consider you earn RM0.10.

But if you only use less than RM50 petrol per month, and you install a system that cost few thousands which only last you for let say 3 years, this is absolutely undesirable, paying extra for nothing. But if you use few hundreds RM petrol each month, this device may be useful. Consider you drive in high way, not in city.

In a city, it is better to use a hybrid car, cause electric motor is more energy effective at start moving a car. In a city, always car jammed, one moving and stop frequently, a electric petrol hybrid car will save you some petrol. But sometime this kind of not so well established rules is not always right, consider the cost of battery replacement corespond to the wear and tear and the initial cost of purchase, there are trade off point where petrol car is actually save more money for someone. You must use the car at certain kilometer, then you earn the benefit. Besides, in Malaysia, do not park a hybrid car under sky, the radiation from sun may easilly kill the battery inside faster due to heating. Those battery can not be expected cheap, it is specially built, limited edition!

Ok, after so many talking, there are nothing related to hydrofuel, I apologise for that. I believe they try to put in both hydrogen and oxigen into the air intake of the car. I doubt if this is a scientific way to do it correctly. This thing may be good, if you like to play with car, but, burning hydrogen with oxigen together will produce water right? That is not a good idea for engine block, does it speed up the rate of the component inside the engine block become rusted? I am not sure if an engine block and piston is make of stainless steel, but I guess that is imposible. Besides, even stainless steel can become rusted under hot environment! Saving few hundreds or even thousands a years and result in damaging a few ten thousands car is just not worth it sometime!


Peoples ask me, what is the different between original battery pack and third party battery pack? Honestly, I do not like to answer this question, that is strictly depand on the price you pay for, it is a matter of demand and supply.

Today I open one Dell D620 replacement battery that cost you around RM230 to let you examine it youself, I know consumer do not or never open it and see it for yourself.

Picture below show, the red retangle is the protection board of third party battery, only one controller inside! The blue retangle in original battery, there are 3 integrated circuit inside, one fuel gauge, one analog font end and one second level back up protection!

Some people may ask, why we need three while we can only use one? At the begining, the largest fuel gauge company actually try design the protection board with only one IC, but many manufacturer found that it is not safe enough, as IC can fail to operate under some circustances, such as aging, power surge, high tempereture or others reasons. Therefore, everyone design the protection with more than one layer of protection for long term safety.

Picture below, original battery use 3 pin fuse, the third party battery use 2 pin, 3 pin fuse can be cut off by the small second level protection ic, the small eight leg ic work independent not rely on the main circuit. Therefore if something wrong with the main circuit, it do not sense any dangerous critical operation, the second level protection will cut the fuse to shut the circuit down so no more current flowing into or out from the battery pack. This fuse will also melt when the mosfet is overheat, mean that there are over current(usually short on the output) but the main circuit and second level protection circuit do not shut it down.

Picture below show that the cell use inside original(LG chemical, Korea) battery and third party battery, both last 1.5years, but the original battery have been discharge more cycles then the third party one, in this customer usage, the third party only been discharged 37cycles and last only half an hours currently.

While my repacked battery is using ORIGINAL PROTECTION BOARD plus HI QUALITY BRANDED CELL which are purposely design for notebook battery pack! At the same price you pay, you get some thing twice or triple time lasting!!!

Wednesday, 25 August 2010


Recently get quite some amount of the item below, model number is not a problem for this up to date of this post. All can be fixed, 100% done so far!
Please note that even the same note book may use differ model number, or even the difference notebook model may use the same battery, so before you send a battery to repair, better let me know it battery model instead of notebook model, so I can tell you if the particular battery model can be done!

And this one (picture below) I deny to recieve quite many customer before this, proven can be fixed also. So far have done 2 pieces, no problem.

Altbattery fix more battery than you was told "Can not be fixed!" Try it now, it is excellent in performance! Or your money back!