
Welcome to Alternative Battery Enterprise weblog, Alternative Battery Enterprise is a small business based in Malaysia, that realt/refill/recell or even repair your laptop and notebook battery.

Alternative Battery Enterprise always emphasize on the quality of the refilled battery, you are welcome to search for our services record or user experience on other web space.

Since first operates from year 2006, Alternative Battery Enterprise maintain good customer sales and services record.

Fast turn around time, your battery will be fixed in less than one week time. Usually customers get their batteries back in next day although they are normally told 3 working day to proceed. This could be the most efficient battery refill service that really work you could possibly found in Malaysia.

Battery is backed with 100% money back satisfaction guarantee in the first month of recell. Alternative Battery Enterprise accept any reasonable reject of any refilled battery and refund will be issued immediately in 3 working day after battery is post back to us.

A total of 1 year warranty will be given!

There are 6 months warranty on battery cell, in this period you will still get a refund of 80% if your battery fail beyond repair.

After 6 months, Alternative Battery Enterprise will still fix your battery if it fail within any period of 1 year without any additional charge excluded postage fees.

Even after the warranty period, if you confirm that your battery cell is still in good condition, but battery just no working, it can be repaired at RM30! Which is the best way to ensure you get a working battery that value for your money!

Most customers reported that a refilled battery work 2-3years! Some really poorly designed (too few cell with big load) battery may last merely just 1 year, some may last up to 4 years.

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Monday, 24 March 2008


   早在几年前,比亚迪组织500人的研发团队,开始了铁电池的研发攻关。经过上万次试验和测试,比亚迪成功研发出电动汽车专用的铁电池,取名为“ET- POWER”。比亚迪相关负责人介绍说,它代表了比亚迪在电池领域的最新科研成果,其中E表示环保和电力(environment和electric), T则表示技术(technology),power则表示动力和能量的意思,比亚迪以“ET-POWER”来命名新汽车动力技术,取意未来科技、未来汽车 动力的含义。
  据了解,“ET-POWER”铁电池每块电压为3.3伏,60安时,电池充电循环次数可达2000次以上,电池的持续里程寿命大 于60万公里。以F6双模电动汽车为例,车上共使用了100块铁电池,充满电续驶里程可达430公里(电动模式100公里+混合动力模式330公里),最 高时速可达160公里/每小时。
  与目前应用最为广泛的锂电池相比,比亚迪铁电池除了具备便宜和环保优点外,由于采用全新设计,电池容量、循环 寿命、使用温度范围、放电性能均优于锂电池。此外,由于采用高热稳定性材料和缜密工艺设计,比亚迪铁电池安全和可靠性大为增强。与锂电池不当使用中可能出 现的爆炸现象相反,铁电池安全可靠,即使扔在火中也不会发生爆炸。
   据悉,比亚迪双模电动汽车已经申报了700多项国内外专利。该车经过了多种状态下的整车试验,在城市路况下基本可实现纯电动状态的行使,在比亚迪电动汽 车充电站快速充电10分钟可达50%的电量,在家使用普通插座慢速充电,充满电也只需9个小时。据介绍,目前整个双模电动汽车系统的成本为5万元,产量提 高后成本可大幅降低,预计该车将于2008年下半年量产上市。
  据了解,作为全球市场份额最大的电池 巨头,比亚迪从10年前建厂至今,每年以翻番速度迅速扩张,从资本金250万扩张到市值300亿元,从单一的电池生产到跻身为世界手机业举足轻重的多元化 手机零部件的集成供应商,从造车、卖车的“门外汉”到凭借生产单款车型F3突破10万辆的销售“奇迹”,比亚迪只花了极短的时间。
   作为汽车领域的创新成果,王传福对比亚迪双模电动汽车的前景充满信心。他说,在双模电动汽车明年推向市场后,2009年纯电动汽车也将面市。除了拉动电 动汽车产业链条外,比亚迪计划将铁电池推向笔记本电脑、数码相机、数码随身听等数码产业链中。王传福表示,目前技术已经不是主要障碍,主要是传统锂电池的 电压为3.7伏,稍高于铁电池的3.3伏,一旦解决电压问题,这种新型电池无疑是锂电池的最好替代品,市场前景不可估量。

Source: 比亚迪铁电池
This article is about the new battery technology researched by China, the Ferum cell. Those cells can make a continue discharge of ~3.3V 60A, by packing it into battery, it able to power up the incoming car in future, in fact, they already start manufacturing electric-petrol hybrid car. In future, they intend to use the ferum cell on notebook application or mobile phone. Let see how far the future can go...

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